

Nukkad Natak- Halla Bol

Description: Nukkad nataks have been a part of Indian culture for centuries. These street plays are a powerful tool for social change, raising awareness about important issues and inspiring people to take action. Are you ready to use your voice to make a difference? Come and convey a social or political message in an entertaining environment and move the junta dumbstruck giving inspiring performances, only at Unmaad: An Aurous Carnival.

Date: 23rd February '24
Prizes Worth: 140K

Curtain Call

From whispers to roars, the stage erupts: From intimate dramas to larger-than-life musicals, the Curtain Call, Stage Play Competition is a tapestry woven with diverse voices and bold visions. Witness the magic of collaboration as actors, directors, and creatives blend their talents to paint the stage with passion. Come and give us a show, at Unmaad'24

Date: 24th February '24
Prizes Worth: 120K

Mono Acting Competition

Mirror, Mirror on the Stage: Forget fairytales, this monoact battle is where self-reflection takes center stage! One person, a thousand stories - who will crack the audience's code and reign supreme? Witness the magic of solo storytelling unfold at the Spotlight: Monoacting Competition! Come, thrill and excite us at this event organised for you by and in Unmaad: An Aurous Carnival!

Date: 25th February '24
Prizes Worth: 35K